Penguatan Moderasi Umat Buddha dalam Perspektif Nilai Simbol Relief Gandawyuha Candi Borobudur

Tri Yatno


This article aims to describe a model of strengthening Buddhist moderation through the symbolic value of the Gandavyuha reliefs at Borobudur Temple. The problem focused on Buddhist teachings manifested in various cultures. Buddhist adherents have ideologies until sectarian classes emerge. Buddhists believe that Borobudur Temple is a local wisdom that is sacred of values and religious values as a guide for behavior. To approach this problem, the theory of symbolic interaction is used. The method used to analyze descriptive holistic analysis. The results stated that first, the Gandavyuha Relief of Borobudur Temple contains the values of religiosity, openness, tolerance, love, equality, and patience. Second, the diversity of Buddhist ritual culture can be seen from the differences in symbols, including differences in symbol systems, artifact symbols, and language symbols. Buddhists in Indonesia live side by side and uphold the diversity of ritual cultures. Third, public space built by Buddhists as a model of moderation that is formed and mutually agreed upon. Fourth, moderation built through public spaces is in harmony with the Gandavyuha reliefs of the Borobudur Temple, the actions of Buddhists as a representation of the value of the Borobudur symbol. Relief Gandawyuha as a representation of religious moderation upholds the values of tolerance and the universality of the law of truth.


Moderation; Buddha; Value; Symbol; Borobudur

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