Gerakan Shalat Sebagai Implementasi Islamic Center Di Kabupaten Deli Serdang Dengan Tema Arsitektur Metafora

Hilda Mawarni Pohan, Aulia Muflih Nasution, Yunita Syafitri Rambe


The number of crime cases in North Sumatra continues to increase, one of the cases in Deli Serdang Regency, namely cases of violence against women and children. The factor is caused by imitating the technology media that is growing rapidly at this time. As a result, morale, morals and behavior are damaged inside. Therefore, to improve morals within oneself, positive activities such as religious activities are needed. For this reason, a container or place is needed that can support religious activities such as an Islamic Center. In the design of the Islamic Center, motivation is needed that can relate that the image of the building can improve bad morals, by imitating the visuals of the building in the form of prayer movements. This has been mentioned in the Al-Quran (QS: Al Ankabut (29: 45)) "Prayer can prevent from abominable and evil deeds". In this case the architectural theme that can be applied in the design of this Islamic Center is metaphorical architecture with a type of metaphor that can form a visual prayer movement that is real or the same as the original form, namely a tangible metaphor. The research method is in the form of a qualitative method by collecting data and quantitative methods for the results of the design of the Islamic Center


Deli Serdang Regency, Islamic Center, Prayer Movement, Metaphorical Architecture

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“Konsep Metafora dalam Arsitektur by Ashadi (”



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